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Mantle Quest Japan Updates ABS QE Certifications

December 12, 2017

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE), an ABS Group company providing management systems certification services, has recertified MANTLE QUEST JAPAN COMPANY LTD. (MQJ) to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. Certification to these leading international quality, environmental and safety standards demonstrates MQJ's commitment to safer, more reliable management and operation of the Chikyu, the world's first riser drilling-equipped science vessel.

The Chikyu is capable of drilling more than 7,000 meters (m) into the ocean floor in up to 2,500 m water depth. MQJ operates the vessel, which is owned by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Since 2013, the Chikyu has participated in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) by performing scientific drilling to research earthquakes. Japan, the United States, the European Union, China and other countries also participate in the IODP.

Mantle Quest Japan Updates ABS QE Certifications

Deep-sea scientific drilling vessel Chikyu is owned by JAMSTEC. Photo courtesy of Mantle Quest Japan Ltd.

MQJ's recertification assessment by ABS QE was conducted to the latest 2015 revisions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. Organizations certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 must make the full transition to the revised 2015 standards by September 15, 2018. Request our transition toolkits to learn more about ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 or visit for more information.

About ABS Quality Evaluations

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) is a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc. ( As a world-leading certification body, ABS QE works with companies to improve the performance of their business, systems, people and supply chains through management systems certification, verification, training and assessments, including supply chain and cybersecurity. ABS QE’s global network of auditors plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve business excellence and obtain the necessary certifications to get products and services to market.