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Streamlined MoCRA Compliance: Positioning Your Cosmetics Business for Growth

August 7, 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CDT

Streamlined MoCRA Compliance: Positioning Your Cosmetics Business for Growth

Discover how to position your business for growth in the cosmetics manufacturing and processing industry through a risk-optimized, streamlined approach to compliance with the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA).

In this webinar, we will demonstrate advanced tools and techniques to cost-effectively achieve and maintain compliance to MoCRA regulations in the United States. We will further discuss how to identify gaps in your existing management system and address them with the help of innovative training, and best practices in implementation and internal auditing.

What We Cover

  • Tools and techniques to achieve MoCRA compliance
  • Identification of gaps in existing management systems
  • Best practices for implementation and internal auditing

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About ABS Quality Evaluations

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) is a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc. ( As a world-leading certification body, ABS QE works with companies to improve the performance of their business, systems, people and supply chains through management systems certification, verification, training and assessments, including supply chain and cybersecurity. ABS QE’s global network of auditors plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve business excellence and obtain the necessary certifications to get products and services to market.