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SA8000 Certification in a World of Due Diligence

CSR Webinar Series - Part 1

October 12, 2023 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CDT

SA8000 Certification in a World of Due Dilligence

Regardless of size, industry or country, the demand for organizations to transparently conduct business in a way that is fair and decent for all workers remains top of mind for stakeholders. Created by Social Accountability International (SAI), the SA8000 Standard provides an industry-wide framework for conducting business to the highest Social Accountability (SA) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) standards.

Benefits of certifying to the SA8000 program include: 1) Improved relationships with customers and your workforce, 2) enhanced brand reputation, 3) increased appeal to business partners and 4) effective management systems that improve workflows throughout the organization for continuous improvement.

In part one of our CSR webinar series, ABS Quality Evaluations' (ABS QE) Valarie Washington-Dempsey will partner with SAI to provide an overview of the SA8000 program and certification, including how you can integrate it into your organization's current operations.

What We Cover

  • A comprehensive overview of SA8000 certification and its impact on certified organizations and those seeking certification
  • How to implement SA8000 within your organization to achieve its goals
  • The values and benefits of implementing a maturing management system for SA

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About Social Accountability International (SAI)

Founded in 1997, Social Accountability International (SAI) is a global non-governmental organization advancing human rights at work. SAI’s vision is of decent work everywhere—sustained by an understanding that socially responsible workplaces benefit businesses while securing fundamental human rights. SAI empowers workers and managers at all levels of businesses and supply chains, using its multi-industry SA8000® Standard, as well as Social Fingerprint®, TenSquared, and other training and capacity-building programs. SAI is a leader in policy and implementation, working together with a diverse group of stakeholders, including brands, suppliers, governments, trade unions, non-profits, and academia.

About ABS Quality Evaluations

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) is a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc. ( As a world-leading certification body, ABS QE works with companies to improve the performance of their business, systems, people and supply chains through management systems certification, verification, training and assessments, including supply chain and cybersecurity. ABS QE’s global network of auditors plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve business excellence and obtain the necessary certifications to get products and services to market.