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RCMS Overview

RCMS Overview

What is RCMS?

Developed by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) specifically for improving sustainability and responsiveness to stakeholder concerns within the chemical industry, RCMS integrates health, safety, security and environmental management into a single system. It focuses on continual improvement in employee health and safety, pollution prevention, process and product safety, security, distribution, emergency response and community awareness.


Benefits of RCMS

RCMS aims to proactively enhance your EHSS performance and not only meet legal and regulatory requirements but also lead to business growth and development.

  • Enhance and unify management of health, safety and security risks
  • Safeguard environmental performance through systematic management of environmental impacts
  • Streamline processes and reduce incidents, leading to cost savings and operational efficiency
  • Strengthen your reputation and increase trust among customers and partners 

Integrating Management Systems

Business Excellence: The Impact of ISO Implentation on Borouge Production Company

Discover how ABS QE helped a major petrochemical company and manufacturer of polyolefin solutions, Borouge Production Company, implement ISO certifications to help assure their business and operations. 

Learn More

Integrating Management Systems




What do the RC14001 technical specifications document reference?


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