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ISO 50001 Overview

ISO 50001 Overview

What is ISO 50001?

ISO 50001:2018 is an internationally recognized standard for energy management, developed by both national and international standards committees. It was designed to provide a practical way to help organizations improve energy performance through the implementation of an energy management system (EnMS).

How Does ISO 50001 Work?

There are a variety of ways ISO 50001 can help organizations that want to manage energy use more efficiently and effectively. It provides a framework for organizations to:

  • Develop a policy for more efficient energy use
  • Fix targeted areas that do not meet the requirements of that policy
  • Leverage data to better inform decisions about energy use
  • Measure results
  • Review whether the policy works as intended
  • Continually improve energy management

ISO 50001 Certification

City of Mississauga Achieves ISO 50001 Certification to Drive Zero-Carbon City Goal

Discover how ABS QE helped the Corporation of the City of Mississauga to achieve the ISO 50001 certification, furthering their goal of becoming a "zero-carbon" city.

Learn More

ISO 50001 Certification Project Profile



Who should follow the ISO 50001 standard?


What changes were made in the 2018 revision of ISO 50001?


What are the key requirements of ISO 50001?


Where can I get help with ISO 50001 certification?