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ISO 45001 Overview

ISO 45001 Overview

What is ISO 45001?

The ISO 45001:2018 standard is the only international and independent standard defining requirements for operational health and safety (OH&S) management systems, including guidance for use. Developed by independent national and international committees, ISO 45001 focuses on preventing unsafe behaviors and conditions that could lead to workplace accidents.


ISO 45001 Benefits

ISO 45001 takes a proactive approach to standardizing health and safety requirements for managers, employees and service providers in order to:

  • Reduce the risks of occupational accidents and diseases and develop ways to control them
  • Optimize uptime by helping organizations prevent business disruptions due to accidents
  • Promote a culture of safety so employees understand how to stay healthy and feel confident in safety measures implemented in their work environment
  • Enhance your reputation among clients, investors and other authorities by demonstrating compliance with health and safety laws, as well as adherence to the most internationally recognized standard

ISO 45001 Webinar

ISO 45001 and Remote Auditing Technologies

Understand the global framework for the world's leading standard for occupational health and safety management systems.

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ISO 45001 Webinar




Who should follow the ISO 45001 standard?


What is the difference between ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001?


What are the essential elements of ISO 45001?


What is the difference between ISO 45001 and OSHA?