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AS9100 Standard Overview

AS9100 Overview

What is the AS9100 Standard?

SAE AS9100 is the international standard developed by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) to define requirements for organization’s Quality Management Systems. This standard is accepted worldwide, with participating countries using their own numbering conventions. AS9100 goes beyond ISO 9001 with additional IAQG requirements.

Benefits of the AS9100 Standard

Most global prime ASD manufacturers and suppliers will be required to only work with AS9100-certified partners. Benefits of AS9100 include:

  • Operational efficiency
  • Stakeholder relationships
  • Minimized operational risk
  • Emphasis on customer satisfaction
  • Improved business opportunities
  • Protection for organizational knowledge

AS9100 Webinar

IAQG AS9104-1 Standard: Benefits of Remote Auditing for Aerospace

This webinar will review the capabilities and benefits of the remote auditing process employed by ABS Quality Evaluations (ABS QE) to our certified aerospace clients.

Learn More

AS9100 Webinar




Who should follow the AS9001 standard?


What’s the difference between AS9100 and ISO 9001?